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What is your phone number?

We do not offer support by phone. We only provide support by email.

Here’s why:

  • It's inefficient. On the phone you talk with one person who has to put you on hold all the time to look into an issue. With a ticket, multiple staff members can work on an issue at the same time.
  • There's no audit trail. With a ticket, we can look at your history to see if you've had this issue before. You can also review any ticket you've ever submitted to us and re-open them at a later date if the issue returns.
  • We can't search. Since there's no record of the conversation, if another user has an issue similar to yours, we can't search for it.
  • We have an excellent response time with email support. In the same amount of time you'd spend on hold with companies who do offer phone support, we would have already responded to your ticket.
  • Phone support is expensive. By cutting this inefficient cost, we pass on the savings to you for better deals on hair extensions and wigs.

You can contact us by sending us an email.

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